
My Boring Life

Unfortunately, I have a really boring life.

I have a shower every morning. I dry my hair regularly. I go to lesson every day. I clean my house and wash my clothes every weekend. I throw out trash three times a week. I always buy dairy products on Monday etc.

I don’t have a girlfriend and also I never drink alcohol. So generally I don’t have a reason to stay out late except night sightseeing. I enjoy sightseeing at summer nights and I do it alone two times a week.

I like eating out dinner with my close friends (and mates). Usually, we hanging out on Friday evenings and every invitation is very important for me. Sometimes I go to the English Cafe to practice English.

I like buying books and visit bookstores several times a month. I often buy books for myself and rarely for my nephews and nieces and occasionally just my collection. I like to collect books about Japan.

I’m an addict to read and I quite often read roughly 40 pages daily and normally I finish two or three books weekly. I bought some vocabulary and grammar books last month. I prefer to work slowly and contentiously. I get new habit in Malta. I used to dislike to read books in the bed but nowadays I fancy to read for a while before falling asleep.

I hardly ever and probably never watch football match also I really cannot stand very long (longer than our English lessons) TV series.

In conclusion, this is my dull life.

Visit Cartagena

2 years ago, I went to Cartagena. It’s a historical and touristic city in Colombia. It’s really tremendous and colourfull. It has nice beaches and big high buildings. It’s definitely a unique place in the world.

If you go to Cartagena, I suggest visiting historical walls and historical churches and eating fish in Porton de San Sebastian restaurant. It has a really hot climate so you should wear easy clothes.

You can swim on the pearly beaches anytime. Or, you can visit Islas del Rosaria island to swim. The sea is as white as the sky and the island is so popular for scuba diving, surfing, swimming, dolphin shows. Also, you can taste very different fishes on the island. I ought to taste Mojarra or Bagre but you can also taste Bocachico or Cachama.

I had been there three times and I want to visit again as soon as possible.

When I was robbed!

Ramazan Holidays is a very special holiday for me. Everyone visit their parents and relatives during this holiday. I used to visit my aunt and she used to give me pocket money. Once, I went to visit my aunt for a week.

Once, I went to visit my aunt for a week. One day, I was looking around and a big boy stopped me and took my money with a big politely. He told me “Give me your money” and I gave up, because he was bigger and stronger than me. Then I returned to my aunt’ home with a big fear but I couldn’t say anything to her. I played with my cousins. Then, one day, my aunt gave me some pocket money and I returned home happily; because our home was farther than 40 kilometres.

I think I was too shy when I was at secondary school and I never talk her about this story.

A Little Trip!

I was working as a system manager for a publishing company in 2013. I fell into a fight with my best colleague, then I left my work. I bought a one-way ticket to Thailand. I did not have a plan at all.

I met with my Turkish friend in Bangkok Airport and we went together to Laos. He was working for a Turkish company in there. They opened their house to me. Two weeks later, I returned to Thailand without him. We were dated to meet again in Bangkok just ten days later. But, because of some reason, we argued a lot and then we never see each other again.

I went to Malaysia over Thailand and lived there 7 months. I was wondering to visit whole South Asian and Far-East countries. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do it. My plan is still on board and alive in my mind. A want to use that route: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (especially Aceh), East-Timor, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia (Sabah region), Brunei, Philippines, Taiwan, China (Shangai), South Korea Offcourse last stop Japan 🙂

Women rights in U.K.

Before the 19th century, women right was very limited and they didn’t have protection. After much effort, they secured some common rights: child custody, choice, abortion, equal pay.

* In 1839, Carolina Norton was a rich woman, after her divorce, she lost control of their children. She fought to take their children custody and won it.

* In 1928, under leadership of Millicent Fawcett women gained full right of choice.

* In 1968, women workers started a strike to gain “equal pay for equal work”.

* In 1979, Margaret Thatcer becomes the first women Prime Minister of U.K.

Boring was only for idle people!

I used to work in a bookstore. It wasn’t a stressful job but I had to deal with people and I had to work long times without rest.

It wasn’t a well-paid job and we didn’t have a job security. There were no perks, no regular bonuses, no long holidays and no annual pay rise. They never paid my any salaries on time and fully. After 10 years of loyalty, I fought with my best friend and I resigned in 2013.

After that, I started to work with a freelance web development team. We had to work with a team for an agency. Unfortunately, it had a lot of schedule pressure and a wide variety of customer requests. It wasn’t a boring job because boring was only for idle people! We had to be creative and “think on our feet” and the customers always had some criticism and some different (mostly stupid) ideas.

I’ll never forget, a little web project lasted 6 months and I was travelling to three different countries.

My Grandparents

My parents were born same city (Giresun) but they grew up in different villages. Also, they moved to Istanbul after their wedding. Their hometown is very far away from our home.

When I was young, travelling options were very limited to their villages. Firstly, we had to go by bus to Giresun and that would take us about 18 hours. Then we used to hire a truck or lorry to reach the village. So travel was very uncomfortable and dangerous, because of rough road and steep cliffs. We used to use a truck crane to travel. I think we were like refugees.

My Grandparent used to live in the highlands until end of the autumn. That means we had to walk or ride a horse to reach there by using historical pathway, and a historical bridge. The landscape was amazing and the forest was very beautiful. My Grandparent’ house was top of a hill among forests and partly moors.

tarivermiş yaylası, giresun gümüşhane sınırı

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Ve Botlar Beni Deli Ederken

Şu sırala ve bot davranışı sergileyen iplerin banlanması üstüne uğraşıyorum.

Yazılımını yaptığım bir haber sitesi var. İlk başlarda %15 civarı olan bot trafiği şu an yüzde 55 düzeyine yükselmiş durumda. Bunu engellemek için farklı şeyler denedim.

İlk önce Apache Bad Blocker kurduk ve verimsizlik yaşadık. Çünkü eklentinin doğasında olan RequireAny değerini gördüğü anda Apache İp adreslerini DNS ile çözümleyip doğrulamaya başlıyordu. Özellikle Uydu Net üstünden gelen isteklerde çözümleme işlemi 15 saniye kadar uzun sürmesi sebebiyle aşırı şikayet oluşmuştu. Eklentinin bu kısmını kullanmaktan vazgeçtik. Eklentinin Mod Rewrite versiyonunu özelleştirip, referans kısmı olmadan kullanmaya başladık.

Buna rağmen şöyle bir durum oluştu, Cpanel üstünden İp engellediğimiz anda Apache yeniden kasılmaya ve gelen her isteği DNS sorgusuna sokmaya başlıyordu. Cpanel üstünden Ip engellemeye son verdik.

WHM üstünden Mod Security kuruluydu ve aktif edilmişti. Lakin sunucuya gelen saldırılar konusunda otomatik yasaklama yapmasına rağmen siteye gelen bot trafiğinde bir düşüş sağlamadı.

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